Body & Soul Pose Presents

Yoga Classes by Certified Teachers in Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Cupertino & Sunnyvale, California
hand mudra


Classes & Locations


3-weeks Life Coaching 2015

Corporate Classes & Private Lessons

Yoga Props for Sale

Chakra Jewelry

Yoga Benefits



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Treat Yourself!
Give Yourself The Best New Year Gift Ever
3 Weeks Of Life Coaching!

To review this with me, Moj, please feel free to tap into a Free 1:1 Coaching/Clarity Call!
....Click Here to Sign Up & Schedule!....!

Be Your Best Ever!

3 weeks of coaching cleanse
Introductory rate: 50% off

Date: May 4th to May 24th

Week 1

Theme: Do it for YOU!

-Start with a Clean Slate.

-Free yourself from all the negative and limiting thoughts

- Questionnaires, worksheets, practices and more

- 30 Minute one on one call or video conference

Week 2

Theme: Creating your Ideal Self

- What are you Goals & Intentions?

- Who you truly ARE? What you really WANT?
Focus on what matters to you

Week 3

Theme: Finalize Your Intentions /Goals

-30 minute one on one call or video conference

-Express who you truly are in writing

-Become a magnet for what you really want

Are you ready?
Go to to make you, your best ever!

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